BOOSTER MFT Mufflon - 2D - Target [***]

SKU: 202342-L
  • GTIN: 4052229942339
BOOSTER MFT Mufflon - 2D - Target [***]
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BOOSTER MFT Mufflon - 2D - Target

The BOOSTER MFT targets are not deceptively real 3D animals in the classic sense, but they still please with their appearance. The intimated animal silhouette makes the black foam targets look original and provides for a varied target in the course or in the hall. The finish area is not marked but made of glued-on foam.

Height: 100cm
Width: 93cm
Depth: 18cm
weight: 3,5kg


IFAA Group: without


*** This article can only be shipped with DHL to Germany and Austria, as well as only by the forwarding agent to other countries, as far as this shipping method is available in the order process.



IFAA Classification: without Classification
Animal Class: mammals