BARNETT Demun Tri Strike - 180 fps / 50 lbs - Recurve crossbow

SKU: 222108-B
  • GTIN: 042609500130
BARNETT Demun Tri Strike - 180 fps / 50 lbs - Recurve crossbow
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  • orderable


Additional bolts

Please select only one component.
Additional bolts
Quantity: 1
Crossbow Bolts | BARNETT Demun HyperBolt - Tri Strike - 12-pack

Care products / Screw locking

Please select at least 1 and a maximum of 6.
Care products / Screw locking
Quantity: 1
BSW string wax 2 in 1 - for the string and crossbow rail
BOHNING String Wax / Tex Tite
SUPER LUBE Synthetic Grease (like Rail Lubricant Horton) - 12 Gr. Tube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Wax - Serving Wax - String Wax
EXCALIBUR Ex-Oil All-Purpose Lube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Lube - String Lubricant
LOCTITE 243 Screw Security - medium tough - 5ml
Scorpion Venom Cam and Serving Lube


Please select only one component.
Please make sure when selecting the target that it matches the maximum arrow speed and draw weight of the crossbow.
Quantity: 1
RINEHART Rhino Bag - 22 inch
Quantity: 1
RINEHART Rhino Bag - 26 inches
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD Foam Archery Target Crossbow Extreme - up to 100 lbs - 60x60x40cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 30x30x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 40x40x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 50x50x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 60x60x32cm
Quantity: 1

Proof of Age

Please select only one component.

This item may only be sold and shipped to persons over the age of 18.

Proof of Age
Identification of customers
- Identification by Deutsche Post delivery staff
- Delivery of letter after entry of ID data on the POSTIDENT COMFORT form
- Confirmation of personal data by customer signature
- Identification of customer in the post office branch in the absence of the recipient
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1

Your configuration



BARNETT Demun Tri Strike - 180 fps / 50 lbs - Recurve crossbow

The Demun Tri Strike combines impressive power and versatility in a compact, hand-held design. This recurve crossbow sets new standards in crossbow technology and offers a unique combination of innovation and ease of use. It is equipped with an industry-first 3-shot magazine that enables fast, repeatable shot sequences. The smooth, single-stage decocking mechanism reduces cocking force by up to 50%, making reloading faster and more efficient.
Another highlight of the Demun Tri Strike is the adjustable fiber optic pistol sight, which provides exceptional accuracy. The flip-down tactical foregrip also provides a stable base for precise aiming, while the 7-inch Demun hyperbolts deliver the necessary penetrating power at speeds of up to 180 feet per second.
With a length of 20.5 inches and a width of 13 ¼ inches, the Tri Strike is comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver thanks to its innovative design. The scope of delivery includes 7-inch bolts that are ready for immediate use. Whether for target practice or tactical applications - the Demun Tri Strike guarantees maximum precision and performance.


  • Break-open design
  • Fold-down fore-end
  • Precision sight with dot reticle
  • TPE thumb grip for cocking
  • HyperBolt 7-2F bolt

Technical data:
Maximum arrow speed: 180 fps (approx. 197 km/h)
Draw weight: 50 lbs
Length: 20.5 inches (approx. 50.8 cm)
Weight: 2.05 lbs (approx. 0.929 kg)
Power Stroke: 6 inches

precision sight with dot reticle
3-shot Magazine
7-inch Hyperbolt 2F aluminum bolt


Function: Special Bolts
System: Recurve
Draw Weight: under 100
Product Category: Crossbow | Recurve
Speed in fps: less than 200
Length of the Bolts: 7.5 Inch
Colour: single-coloured
Manufacturer's information:

Manufacturer's name:
Barnett Outdoors, LLC
955 Live Oak Street Tarpon Springs, FL 34689
Country of origin::

Responsible person:

Responsible person:
BSW Handels GmbH
Demminer Str. 32, 17389 Anklam
Country of origin:

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