DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - 60 inches - 30-60 lbs - Recurve Bow

SKU: 203150
  • GTIN: 4052229953984
DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - 60 inches - 30-60 lbs - Recurve Bow
Prices visible after login
  • Currently out of stock
  • Currently out of stock



Please select only one component.
Riser | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - 15 inches | Right Hand
Quantity: 1

Draw Weight

Please select only one component.
Draw Weight
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 30 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 35 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 40 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 45 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 50 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 55 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1
Limbs | DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - Recurve - 60 lbs | Right Hand
Quantity: 1

String Selection

Please select only one component.

Please note: The nocks of the enclosed or optionally selected arrows are standard nocks designed for standard strings with 12 strands. If you choose a string with more or fewer strands, the nocks of the arrows may no longer sit optimally on the string. This is not a defect and can be remedied by simply changing the nocks.

String Selection
Quantity: 0
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | DACRON - 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 48-72 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 0
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | DACRON - 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 48-72 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | DACRON - 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 48-72 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | FAST FLIGHT 10, 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 58-70 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | FAST FLIGHT 10, 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 58-70 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | FAST FLIGHT 10, 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 58-70 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
Bow String | Fast Flight (FF) - Flemish Splice - 12/14 or 16 Strands - for Long- and Recurve Bows - 48-70 inches
Quantity: 1
Bow String | Fast Flight (FF) - Flemish Splice - 12/14 or 16 Strands - for Long- and Recurve Bows - 48-70 inches
Quantity: 1
Bow String | Fast Flight (FF) - Flemish Splice - 12/14 or 16 Strands - for Long- and Recurve Bows - 48-70 inches
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! - String | FAST FLIGHT 10, 12, 14 or 16 Strands - 58-70 inches - for Long-/Recurve Bows
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
DRAKE Spec Performance - String - Flemish spliced
Quantity: 1
BEARPAW Whisper String Standard - AMO 60 inches 10 strands from 40lbs
Quantity: 1
BEARPAW Whisper String Standard - AMO 60 inches 8 strands up to 40lbs
Quantity: 1
JACKALOPE Whisper String - 58-70 inches - 8-10 strands
Quantity: 1
JACKALOPE Whisper String - 58-70 inches - 8-10 strands
Quantity: 1

Delivery include

Please select only one component.


Optionally you can order an accessory kit for your bow. The sets contain everything you need for a successful start in the world of archery.
Delivery include
(example illustration)
Quantity: 1

Traditional leather arrow rest

- Traditional leather arrow rest
- To glue on

(example illustration)

Quantity: 1

JACKALOPE Hair Rest - Traditional Arrow Rest

- A traditional arrow rest with veal hair
- Easier gliding of the arrow over the edition
- For glueing in
- Only suitable for right-hand bows

(Example illustration)

Quantity: 1

JACKALOPE Hair Rest - Traditional Arrow Rest

- A traditional arrow rest with veal hair
- Easier gliding of the arrow over the edition
- For glueing in
- Only suitable for right-hand bows

The edition is already glued to the bow by us.

(Example illustration)

Quantity: 1

The set includes the following accessories:

1x leather shooting glove | size M
1x leather side quiver (without arrows)
1x leather armguard
1x traditional arrow rest
1x target face

The product image is a sample image! - The items actually delivered may be exchanged for equivalent items depending on availability and may differ from the items shown.

Quantity: 1

The set includes the following accessories:

1x leather shooting glove
1x leather side quiver (without arrows)
1x leather armguard
1x traditional arrow rest
1x target face
1x leather bow stringer
1x bow sleeve; approx. 175 cm (only for one piece recurve bows)

The product image is a sample image! - The items actually delivered may be exchanged for equivalent items depending on availability and may differ from the items shown.

Quantity: 1

The set includes the following accessories:

1x shooting glove
1x back quiver made of durable leather
1x traditional armguard
1x bow sleeve leather
1x checker Cartel PRO
1x nocking point pliers
1x traditional arrow rest
2x nocking points
1x target face 60cm
1x bow stringer
1x string wax

The product image is a sample image! - The items actually delivered may be exchanged for equivalent items depending on availability and may differ from the items shown.

Quantity: 1

Arrows - with natural feathers

Please select only one component.

Natural feathers are the most original way of feathering an arrow. They are a pure natural material and are still very popular today. Especially traditional shooters prefer natural feathers, but also compound shooters in the indoor area use this type of feathering.

Please choose your desired arrow below. Depending on the draw weight of the bow, we will then select the appropriate spine.

Arrows - with natural feathers
Quantity: 1
Carbonpfeil | MagnetoSPHERE - mit Naturfedern - ab 26 lbs

Carbonpfeil | ExoSPHERE Prime

- Carbon
- Wir wählen den passenden Spine
   in Abhängigkeit vom Zuggewicht
   des Bogens aus.
Geeignet für diese Zuggewichte:
- ab 31 lbs
- 28-32 Zoll (spineabhängig)
- SPHERE GlueIn Klebespitze für ExoSPHERE
- Gewicht: 100gr
Befiederung (Naturfedern):
- Länge: 2,25 Zoll
- Form: Shield
- Farbe: schwarz, schwarz, rot
- DRAKE S-Nock 3D
- Farbe: rot


Carbonpfeil | LithoSPHERE Black


- Carbon
- Wir wählen den passenden Spine
   in Abhängigkeit vom Zuggewicht
   des Bogens aus.
Geeignet für diese Zuggewichte:
- alle
- 28-32 Zoll (spineabhängig)
- LithoSPHERE Stahlspitze
- Gewicht: spineabhängig
Befiederung (Naturfedern):
- Länge: 2,25 Zoll
- Form: Shield
- Farbe: schwarz, schwarz, rot (kann abweichen)
- LithoSPHERE Einstecknocke
- Farbe: grün

Holzpfeil | PICEA


- Fichte
- Wir wählen den passenden Spine
   in Abhängigkeit vom Zuggewicht
   des Bogens aus.
Geeignet für diese Zuggewichte:
- bis max. 55 lbs
- 28-32 Zoll (spineabhängig)
- SPHERE Feld Stahlspitze
- Gewicht: 70gr
Befiederung (Naturfedern):
- Länge: 3 Zoll
- Form: Parabol
- Farbe: spineabhängig
- Kunststoffnocke
- Farbe: Orange

Aluminiumpfeil | AtmoSPHERE

- Aluminium
- Wir wählen den passenden Spine
   in Abhängigkeit vom Zuggewicht
   des Bogens aus.
Geeignet für diese Zuggewichte:
- bis max. 50 lbs
- 28-32 Zoll (spineabhängig)
- Klebe- / Schraubspitze (spineabhängig)
- Gewicht: 100gr
Befiederung (Naturfedern):
- Länge: 2,25 Zoll
- Form: Shield
- Farbe: schwarz, schwarz, rot
- DRAKE G-Nocke
- Farbe: rot

Service: Set Nocking Point

Please select only one component.
The nocking point is a small brass ring, which we mounted to the string ourselves. It marks the correct position of the arrow on the string and quickly helps to find the most optimal point . The arrow is usually docked under the nocking point.
Service: Set Nocking Point
Quantity: 1
SERVICE | Set Nocking Point
Quantity: 1
SERVICE | Set Nock Point + AVALON Tuning Pack
Quantity: 1

Set the nocking point on your bow yourself! – And do it again and again, regardless of the string. The AVALON Tuning Pack contains everything you need to set a nocking point:

  • 1x arrow rest to glue
  • 1x string measuring device
  • 1x nocking point pliers
  • 2x nocking point
Quantity: 1

Simply set the nocking point on your bow yourself! And do it again and again, regardless of the string. The AVALON Tuning Pack contains everything you need to set a nocking point:

  • 1x arrow rest for gluing
  • 1x string scale
  • 1x nocking point pliers
  • 2x nocking point
Quantity: 1

Bow Stringer

Please select only one component.
By using a bow stringer, the bowstring can be pulled on with less effort. This method of stretching is more gentle for the bow or the limbs, because through wrong manual clamping can cause them to warp permanently.
Bow Stringer
Quantity: 1
elTORO Bow Stringer
Quantity: 1
!!BESTSELLER!! elTORO Bow Stringer Recurve- & Longbow 1
Quantity: 1
elTORO Bow Stringer Recurve & Longbow 2
Quantity: 1
elTORO Bow Stringer Recurve- & Longbow 3
Quantity: 1
AVALON HD Bow Stringer
Quantity: 1
BEARPAW Universal - Bow Stringer
Quantity: 1

Instructions, Tips and Tricks

Please select only one component.
A detailed guide with the most important tips and tricks for archery in general and how to shoot correctly with a longbow.
Instructions, Tips and Tricks
Quantity: 1

Basis-Guide - Bogenschießen mit Recurvebögen

Eine ausführliche Anleitung mit den wichtigsten Tipps und
Tricks, was man allgemein beim Bogenschiessen beachten
muss und wie man richtig mit dem Recurvebogen schießt.

- Grundlegende Hinweise zum Bogenschießen
- Wie man den Bogen zusammenbaut und spannt
- Bogenschießen und Schießtechnik
- Nützliches Zubehör

Quantity: 1

DVD Basis-Guide - Bogenschießen

Mit dieser DVD erhältst du eine ausführliche Anleitung mit den wichtigsten Tipps und Tricks, was man allgemein beim Bogenschiessen beachten muss und die ersten Anweisungen zum Bogenschießen. Verständlich erklärt durch den Bogenschützen Thomas Sillmann.

Bogenschießen für Einsteiger

  • Die sieben Todsünden
  • Das dominante Auge
  • Recurvebögen Schritt für Schritt
  • Spannschnur... Wieso, weshalb...
  • Spinewert
  • Zuggewicht wählen
  • Welche Bögen gibt es

Anleitungen zum Bogenschießen

  • Der richtige Stand
  • Der Griff
  • Der Bogenarm
  • Auszug
  • Anker
  • Lösen

Gesamtlänge: 89 Minuten

Quantity: 1

Your configuration


DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE Dust - 60" - 30-60 lbs - Recurve Bow

A small, slim recurve bow with an excellent cost-performance ratio: This is the DRAKE Archery ELITE Dust! A traditional bow with a 15 inches long riser, which not only makes the bow light and handy, but - together with the shape and color - gives it a special character. The different shades of grey and green of the innovative Dymondwood - a highly stable material made of several layers of wood and epoxy resin - make the bow appear fairly unobtrusive yet elegant. From a technical point of view, this material also offers several advantages: It absorbs vibrations and allows for faster, more consistent shots over the rounded shelf.

The bow is completed by the dark screw-on limbs, which are made of black fiberglass laminate with a core of high-quality Canadian maple wood. The DRAKE ARCHERY ELITE limbs offer everything you expect from high-quality limbs: Good stability, excellent performance and a wide range of draw weights. The tips are of course also suitable for fast flight strings.

ELITE - The best ones from DRAKE Archery

Good things can be done even better! - DRAKE Archery is pursuing this ambition and with the ELITE series releases bows, limbs and risers onto the market that are unparalleled in their price segment. High quality workmanship as well as modern materials and an appealing design come together to create recurve- and hybrid bows with a high quality standard without losing track of the price-performance ratio.

As an expression of confidence in its own quality, DRAKE Archery offers a 10-year warranty* on all its bows from the ELITE series. What are you waiting for? Convince yourself of DRAKE Archery.

Only available as right handed model.




Bow length

Draw weight
(selectable in 5 lbs

brace height





- Dust -
Recurve Bow


30-60 lbs

7.5 - 8"



Black glass

Right hand





Delivery contents:
1 piece

*Warranty conditions: To the original purchaser, DRAKE Archery grants a 10-year warranty against breakage and delamination. The warranty applies to all first-time buyers who are resident within the EU. Excluded from the warranty are wearing parts and damage caused by incorrect use. The warranty is fulfilled by replacement or repair of the bow. The legal warranty rights remain unaffected by this warranty and apply independently of it.

Warrantor: BSW Handels GmbH | Jackalope Archery | Demminer Str. 32 | 17389 Anklam.






Hand: Right Hand
Draw Weight: 21-30 lbs31-40 lbs41-50 lbs51-60 lbs
Fast-Flight: Fast-Flight suitable
Bow Length: 60 Inch
Manufacturer's information:

Manufacturer's name:
BSW Handels GmbH
Demminer Strasse 32, 17389 Anklam
Country of origin::
DRAKE Archery Elite