MISSION Crossbows SUB-1 Pro Package - 385 fps - Compound crossbow | Color: black

SKU: 208032-L
  • GTIN: 720770015034
MISSION Crossbows SUB-1 Pro Package - 385 fps - Compound crossbow | Color: black
Prices visible after login
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  • orderable


Additional scope incl. 19mm mounting rings

Please select only one component.
You will receive this scope in addition to the scope included in the package. (See item description)
Additional scope incl. 19mm mounting rings
Quantity: 1
BSW MaxDistance 4x32 - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
TIP!!! BSW 2x40 - 4x MultiDot - incl. red/green illumination - red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE Red Dot 400 - 4x MultiDot - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
!!TIPP!! BSW MaxDistance 3-9x42 - Scope with long range reticle
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 1.5-5x32 IR - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA Multi Dot - 2x40 - Riflescope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 4x32 - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 4x32 AOIR - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 3-9x50AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4-12x40AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 6-24x50AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
CARBON EXPRESS 4x32 - Typ 2 (19mm Weaver) - Scope
Quantity: 1
EXCALIBUR Tact-100 - 1,5-5 x 32mm - Scope
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
EXCALIBUR Overwatch - 2-5 x 30mm - Scope
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Pro 1-5x24 SR - Scope | incl. 2 retaining rings Ø30mm (for 19mm rail)
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB1 1.5-5x32 SR - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Kompakt 1.5-6x36 SR - Scope
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Kompakt 2-8x36 SR - Scope
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB 3x32 SR - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE Xbow - 4x32 - Regular - Scope
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE Xbow - 4x32 - Glass Reticle Illuminated - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA RD30 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA RD22 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA Supersonic Multi-Dot - red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 1x30 - Typ 2 (19mm Weaver) - Red Dot
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 1x30 - incl. Red/green illumination - Illuminated dot sight
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE SCP-006 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1

Extra Service

Please select only one component.
Would you like to unpack your crossbow and start right away? Then we offer exactly the right service for you.
Extra Service
Quantity: 1
Assembly service for crossbows
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 15m incl. 5 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 30m incl. 5 GOLDTIP Swift Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 15m incl. 10 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 30m incl. 10 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1

Care products / Screw locking

Please select at least 1 and a maximum of 6.
Care products / Screw locking
Quantity: 1
BSW string wax 2 in 1 - for the string and crossbow rail
BOHNING String Wax / Tex Tite
SUPER LUBE Synthetic Grease (like Rail Lubricant Horton) - 12 Gr. Tube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Wax - Serving Wax - String Wax
EXCALIBUR Ex-Oil All-Purpose Lube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Lube - String Lubricant
LOCTITE 243 Screw Security - medium tough - 5ml
Scorpion Venom Cam and Serving Lube

Matching crossbow bag/case

Please select only one component.

To transport or store the crossbow, a suitable bag or case is recommended. The advantage of the bags is their shape, into which the crossbow fits even without disassembly. For storage in the case, the crossbow must be dismantled. One advantage of the case, however, is the "hard" shell, which offers the crossbow more protection.

Matching crossbow bag/case
Quantity: 1
elTORO Crossbow Bag Maxi-T Black
Quantity: 1
elTORO Crossbow Bag Maxi-T Green/Camouflage
Quantity: 1
NEGRINI Crossbow Case Impact
Quantity: 1
NEGRINI Crossbow Case Impact XL
Quantity: 1

Target Face

Please select only one component.
Target Face
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD Foam Target - Crossbow - Max - up to 425 fps - 60x60x30cm
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 30x30x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 40x40x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 50x50x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 60x60x32cm
Quantity: 1

Proof of Age

Please select only one component.

This item may only be sold and shipped to persons over the age of 18.

Proof of Age
Identification of customers
- Identification by Deutsche Post delivery staff
- Delivery of letter after entry of ID data on the POSTIDENT COMFORT form
- Confirmation of personal data by customer signature
- Identification of customer in the post office branch in the absence of the recipient
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1

Your configuration



MISSION Crossbows SUB-1 Pro Package - 385 fps - Compound crossbow

Designed to be the most accurate, quiet, easy to use crossbow on the market, the SUB-1 consistently delivers groups less than 1” at 100 yards and features an innovative trigger system that has the ability to safely de-cock with the push of a button. With its compact frame and uncompromising commitment to high quality materials, the SUB-1 promises an unmatched shooting experience.

Match Grade Trigger
Fully enclosed, two-stage rolling sear trigger, set to 3.4 lbs trigger pull weight.

Easy-Load Arrow retention arm
The two-stage arrow holding arm allows for smooth and effortless loading while exerting optimum downward pressure to ensure a secure hold on the bolt and increase accuracy.

De-Cocking Button
Unique feature that allows safe de-cocking of the crossbow using the cocking aid without having to pull the trigger or shoot a bolt. - No more extra targets, special de-cocking tips and broken bolts.

This fully synchronised cam system with high let-off (80%) eliminates horizontal nock movement (nock travel) and ensures smooth arrow launch and effortless cocking and decocking.

Patented Flight Deck
The flight deck is as critical to the accuracy of a crossbow as the rail is to a rifle. The patented CNC-machined rail eliminates vertical nocking travel for unsurpassed accuracy.

Fit + Feel Precision Stock
This rifle-inspired stock offers 6 different length adjustments and a 1.25" adjustable cheek piece for a custom fit.

Made in the USA
MISSION takes great pride in the quality and craftsmanship of their crossbows. From start to finish, these high performance crossbows never leave the quality controlled confines of the MISSION factory in Sparta, Wisconsin.

RSD™ System (not included in the scope of delivery - available separately)
The RSD™ (Removable Silent Draw) System is the only silent mechanical cocking device on the market and fits all Mission® Crossbows. It’s designed to apply equal tension to each side of the bowstring during draw to enhance accuracy, and includes an ambidextrous reel that drastically reduces effort required to cock your crossbow. Easy to use and can be installed or removed in a matter of seconds.


Notes on delivery time

Please note the following information on the stated and actual delivery time:

You are purchasing an item that we do not have in stock ourselves, but order from a wholesaler for you. As a rule, it will be with us in approx. 5-7 working days and can then be dispatched to you immediately. For this reason, a maximum delivery time of 8-9 working days is displayed in the order form.

However, our shop system cannot display the stock levels of wholesalers and suppliers. Even the wholesaler cannot always have every variation in stock. It may therefore be the case that the item has to be ordered directly from the manufacturer (Asia, America). In this case, the delivery time can be extended to up to 12 weeks. In special cases, the item will be made for you and may have an even longer waiting time.

After finalising your order and checking the availability of your items, you will receive information from us with a more precise delivery time. If possible, we will also offer you alternatives that can be delivered more quickly.

Thank you for your understanding.

* All prices excl. VAT, plus shipping fees