SET X-BOW Specter - 175 lbs / 260 fps

SKU: 209606-L
  • GTIN: 4052229743998
SET X-BOW Specter - 175 lbs / 260 fps
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  • orderable


Scope incl. 19mm mounting rings

Please select only one component.
Scope incl. 19mm mounting rings
Quantity: 1
BSW MaxDistance 4x32 - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
TIP!!! BSW 2x40 - 4x MultiDot - incl. red/green illumination - red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE Red Dot 400 - 4x MultiDot - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
!!TIPP!! BSW MaxDistance 3-9x42 - Scope with long range reticle
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 1.5-5x32 IR - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA Multi Dot - 2x40 - Riflescope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 4x32 - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA 4x32 AOIR - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 3-9x50AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4-12x40AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32 Crossbow SHORT - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube low
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 4x32AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 6-24x50AOE - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube high
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB1 1.5-5x32 SR - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Pro 1-5x24 SR - Scope | incl. 2 retaining rings Ø30mm (for 19mm rail)
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Kompakt 1.5-6x36 SR - Scope
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB30 Kompakt 2-8x36 SR - Scope
Quantity: 1
HAWKE XB 3x32 SR - Scope | 19mm@1 Inch Tube medium (STANDARD)
Quantity: 1
EXCALIBUR Tact-100 - 1,5-5 x 32mm - Scope
Quantity: 1
EXCALIBUR Overwatch - 2-5 x 30mm - Scope
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE Xbow - 4x32 - Glass Reticle Illuminated - Scope
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE Xbow - 4x32 - Regular - Scope
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA RD22 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-BOW FMA RD30 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 1x30 - incl. Red/green illumination - Illuminated dot sight
Quantity: 1
X-SCOPE 1x30 - Typ 2 (19mm Weaver) - Red Dot
Quantity: 1
CARBON EXPRESS 4x32 - Typ 2 (19mm Weaver) - Scope
Quantity: 1
HORI-ZONE SCP-006 - Red dot sight
Quantity: 1

Additional bolts - 18"

Please select only one component.
Additional bolts - 18"
Quantity: 1

Extra Service

Please select only one component.
Would you like to unpack your crossbow and start right away? Then we offer exactly the right service for you.
Extra Service
Quantity: 1
Assembly service for crossbows
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 15m incl. 5 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 30m incl. 5 GOLDTIP Swift Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 15m incl. 10 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1
Zeroing Service for Crossbows 30m incl. 10 Carbon Bolts
Quantity: 1

Care products / Screw locking

Please select at least 1 and a maximum of 6.
Care products / Screw locking
Quantity: 1
BSW string wax 2 in 1 - for the string and crossbow rail
BOHNING String Wax / Tex Tite
SUPER LUBE Synthetic Grease (like Rail Lubricant Horton) - 12 Gr. Tube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Wax - Serving Wax - String Wax
EXCALIBUR Ex-Oil All-Purpose Lube
EXCALIBUR Ex-Lube - String Lubricant
LOCTITE 243 Screw Security - medium tough - 5ml
Scorpion Venom Cam and Serving Lube

Matching crossbow bag/case

Please select only one component.

To transport or store the crossbow, a suitable bag or case is recommended. The advantage of the bags is their shape, into which the crossbow fits even without disassembly. For storage in the case, the crossbow must be dismantled. One advantage of the case, however, is the "hard" shell, which offers the crossbow more protection.

Matching crossbow bag/case
Quantity: 1
elTORO Crossbow Bag Maxi-T Black
Quantity: 1
elTORO Crossbow Bag Maxi-T Green/Camouflage
Quantity: 1
NEGRINI Crossbow Case Impact
Quantity: 1
NEGRINI Crossbow Case Impact XL
Quantity: 1


Please select only one component.
Please make sure when selecting the target that it matches the maximum arrow speed and draw weight of the crossbow.
Quantity: 1
RINEHART Rhino Bag - 22 inch
Quantity: 1
RINEHART Rhino Bag - 26 inches
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD Foam Archery Target Crossbow Extreme - up to 100 lbs - 60x60x40cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 30x30x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 40x40x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 50x50x32cm
Quantity: 1
STRONGHOLD X-Series - High End Portable Target - 30-60cm x 32cm - bis 500fps - Modell 2023 60x60x32cm
Quantity: 1

Proof of Age

Please select only one component.

This item may only be sold and shipped to persons over the age of 18.

Proof of Age
Identification of customers
- Identification by Deutsche Post delivery staff
- Delivery of letter after entry of ID data on the POSTIDENT COMFORT form
- Confirmation of personal data by customer signature
- Identification of customer in the post office branch in the absence of the recipient
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1
Proof of age
Quantity: 1

Your configuration



SET X-BOW Specter - 175 lbs / 260 fps

The X-BOW Specter is a classic recurve crossbow with a width of 28.5" (approx. 72cm) and a total length of max. 33.75". The ergonomically shaped shoulder piece is adjustable in length in several steps and adapts perfectly to almost any shooter. The crossbow itself is made of weight-saving, high-strength plastic and has a rigid front handle, which makes the crossbow easier and more stable to hold. The handle also has a protective cover to protect the fingers from accidental contact with the string when the crossbow is fired.

The crossbow is completed by a red dot visor with three illuminated dots, which are adjustable in brightness. In addition, the Specter has a pistol grip, an integrated Picatinny/Weaver rail for accessories such as a scope and of course the patented Dry Fire Inhibitor safety system that protects the crossbow from damage caused by empty shots. For easier stringing, the crossbow has a foot bar and a rope stringing aid included in delivery.

Included in the delivery are a mounting quiver, 4 bolts (18"), string wax and a rope cocking device, which together with the foot bar ensures easier stringing of the crossbow.

Draw weight: 175 lbs
max. arrow speed: 260 fps (approx. 285 km/h)
Power Stroke: 12.5"
Material limbs: fibreglass
Material shaft: plastic
Material rail: aluminium

Length: 32-33,75" (approx. 81-85,8cm)
width: 28,5" (approx. 72cm)
Weight: approx. 2.6 kg

color: God´s Country Camo

recommended bolts:
Aluminium or Carbon Bolts - 18"


Delivery contents:
4 aluminium bolts 18"
rope cocking device
mounting quiver
care products



Speed in fps: 251 - 300
Function: Bolts
System: Recurve
Length of the Bolts: 18 Inch
Colour: Camo
Product Category: Crossbow | Recurve
Draw Weight: 151 - 175
Manufacturer's information:

Manufacturer's name:
BSW Handels GmbH
Demminer Strasse 32, 17389 Anklam
Country of origin::