Zen in the art of archery - Book - Eugen Herrigel

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Book on the subject of archery.
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Zen in the art of archery - Book - Eugen Herrigel

Whoever masters the "artless art" of archery also discovers the art of life! A classic of archery literature: Eugen Herrigel describes his experiences during his stay in Japan from 1924 to 1929. The book was first published in 1948 and has been reprinted ever since.

More than almost any other European, Eugen Herrigel penetrated the spirit and practice of Zen not only intellectually, but also through his own experience. With his world-famous "Zen in the Art of Archery", he has created a classic of Western Zen literature, the reading of which has become a key experience for countless artists, intellectuals and seekers on the spiritual path.
"His writings are able to familiarize the Western reader with that strange and seemingly inaccessible kind of Eastern experience that we call 'Zen'."
(Daisetz T. Suzuki)

Hardcover edition: 96 pages
ISBN 9783426291214